Unlocking Learning Power: Progress celebrates Learning at Work Week

Unlocking Learning Power: Progress celebrates Learning at Work Week

Unlocking Learning Power: Progress celebrates Learning at Work Week

13th May 2024

At Progress, we believe that learning is not just an event but a continuous journey, an ongoing exploration of knowledge and skills that empowers individuals and enriches our collective capabilities. As we kick off Learning at Work Week, we’re excited to delve into this year’s theme: Learning Power. 

This year’s theme, “Learning Power,” resonates deeply with our commitment to fostering a culture of continual learning and development. Learning is more than just acquiring information; it’s about embracing the power to change, grow, and achieve our goals, both personally and professionally. 

At Progress, we’re proud to champion learning at work, providing our employees with the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive. From on-the-job training to professional qualifications, we’re dedicated to helping our team members reach their full potential and pursue their aspirations. 

As part of Learning at Work Week, we’re thrilled to announce a series of bite-sized modules designed to enhance skills and promote well-being. These modules, along with our ongoing commitment to learning and development, underscore our belief in unlocking our workforce’s full potential and supporting our team members to continually deliver industry-leading service quality. 

Learning isn’t just an individual endeavour; it’s a collective experience that brings us together, fosters innovation, and builds stronger connections. Through collaborative learning initiatives and knowledge-sharing sessions, Progress has grown to become a community where everyone can grow and learn from each other. 

As we embark on this week-long celebration of learning, we recommit ourselves to embracing the power of education to inspire, motivate, and empower. Together, we’ll continue to unlock new possibilities, fuelling our growth and driving progress in all that we do.