Aiming High

Aiming High

What is Aiming High?

Up to 56 hours of individual support is available from the Aiming High programme to help young people with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) towards achieving their dreams or goals and to develop essential life skills for their future. 

Young people are free to choose the skills they would like to develop or activities that they would like to try and we can help to achieve individual goals

Who can take part in Aiming High activities?

To take part, young people must be 11-18 years old with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) and live in Staffordshire.  

Young people up to the age of 25 can also take part if they have an Education Health and Care Plan and are not already accessing Adult Social Care services.  

Support is free however some activities accessed as part of this may need to be paid for. 

What support can we offer?

Progress is an established provider of community-based support for children and young people with additional needs. We have a strong track record delivering outcomes-focused services in partnership with Local Authorities, Children’s Trusts and Integrated Care Boards, which have notable impact on the outcomes of young people and their caregivers

We dedicate ourselves to making a positive impact on the lives of those we support, embodying the belief that with the right support, the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

We are always happy to talk about other ways we can support but previous support has included: 

  • Preparing for the future (e.g. employment skills/preparing for college/change of school) 
  • Learning new skills (e.g. catching a bus/learning to swim/internet safety advice) 
  • Healthy eating/fitness 
  • Increasing confidence/independence 
  • Making friends 
  • Trying a new sport Money matters (budgeting/shopping)

By addressing challenges early on and providing personalised support, Progress empowers children and young people to develop essential life skills which help them to lead fulfilling lives. We place a high emphasis on ensuring support is tailored to the individual and where possible co-produced and is always focused on the achievement of goals, no matter how small.

How do I book places and ask any questions?

Please call our placements team on 01902 561066 they will be happy to answer any of your questions or book you a place.

Alternatively fill in the form below and one of our team will contact you.  

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