Bal Shares Excitement of Forthcoming MBE Award with Progress Team

Bal Shares Excitement of Forthcoming MBE Award with Progress Team

Bal Shares Excitement of Forthcoming MBE Award with Progress Team

19th June 2024

“I couldn’t have achieved this without you. This MBE is for all of us, it is a recognition of our collective effort.”

In a heartwarming virtual meeting with the Progress team on Monday, Bal Dhanoa, Progress’ Founder and CEO, and a stalwart in the social care sector in the UK, shared the thrilling news of her forthcoming visit to Windsor Castle to receive her latest recognition – a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).

According to the official gazette announcing the honour, Bal is set to receive the MBE in recognition of her outstanding work with children and their families. This prestigious honour recognises her exceptional contributions to social care over the past four decades.

Addressing the Progress team, Bal, with palpable emotion, recounted the pride and honour she felt upon learning of her forthcoming MBE, underscoring her dedication to social care and her long-standing commitment to communities.

Bal’s journey in social care spans over four decades, beginning at the age of 18. She emphasised the significance of the MBE not just for herself, but for her entire family. “My family has been in this country for 100 years, contributing to its development. This award is a testament to our sacrifices and hard work,” Bal remarked.

Reflecting on her career, she shared, “I always want to help people, and I am inspired by my brother, who I have cared for all my life.” Her early experiences in voluntary work and social services laid the foundation for her impactful career, including transforming care homes and setting up numerous social care projects. She vividly recalled the challenges she faced, from dealing with inadequate care conditions to pushing for systemic changes, always driven by a deep-seated desire to improve the lives of young people and vulnerable individuals.

Bal’s passion for social care led her to establish Progress, a company that has thrived despite numerous challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. “COVID was a lesson for us all, but the strength and resilience of our team ensured we emerged stronger,” she noted, praising the leadership and teamwork that guided them through tough times.

Looking ahead, Bal expressed her ongoing commitment to mentoring and supporting young people in the sector. “What inspires me now is seeing young people passionate about making a difference in social care. It is rewarding to nurture their potential and help them achieve their goals,” she said.

The meeting also offered a glimpse into Bal’s personal side. She shared a humorous anecdote about receiving the MBE notification. Mistaking the official brown envelope for a tax bill, she hesitated to open it. “When I finally did, I nearly fell off my chair! It was an incredible surprise,” she laughed, recounting the joy and disbelief she felt.

In her closing remarks, Bal thanked her team at Progress, attributing her success to their unwavering support. “I could not have achieved this without you. This MBE is for all of us, it is a recognition of our collective effort,” she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

As the meeting concluded, Bal’s heartfelt words resonated with the team members on the call, reaffirming the importance of dedication, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of betterment in social care. Bal’s story is a powerful reminder of the impact one individual can have, inspiring others to strive for excellence and compassion in their own journeys.