Lockdown experiences: young people
The lockdown has been challenging for all of us. With our daily routines changing – and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future – we are now living different lives.
We spoke to two young people on their lockdown experiences, how they have coped and their hopes for the future.
“I have felt I felt a few mixed emotions during the lockdown. Not being able to see my family or hug them has been hard. However, I have remained connected with them and my friends by using video chat. This has made me less anxious and much happier. I have used video chat so much!
When the lockdown began, I was dreading the thought of being stuck indoors. The support workers have helped keep me entertained, by playing board games like Monopoly with me – this has been so much fun. I have also watched many different TV programmes and films and played on my Xbox.
I cannot wait until this is all over, so I can carry on doing the things that make me happy.”
“Although I have not been able to go outside, my family have visited me regularly. I speak to them through my bedroom window, as we must keep socially distant. Because of this, it has not been so difficult.
I do miss my friends. Hopefully, when this is over, we can meet up.
From completing my schoolwork to playing on my PS4, I have been doing a lot. The support workers have helped me draw, bake cakes and cook. I especially enjoyed making curries and buffalo wings.
I have also been watching Manchester United games on the TV with the other young person I live with.
If we listen to the advice from the experts then hopefully, this will be over soon.”