From Personal Experience to Professional Passion: Laura Joins Progress

I want to give the other children in care the same experiences we gave to Reuben because they deserve the same as every other child.

Laura recently joined Progress Children’s Services as a residential support worker, bringing with her a wealth of personal experience and an inspiring dedication to the well-being of children with complex needs. During her induction, Laura shared her story, motivations, and hopes for her new role, offering a glimpse into the heart of someone deeply committed to making a difference. 

“This is my first role in support work,” Laura began, though she is no stranger to childcare, having previously worked in a day nursery. Her most profound experience, however, comes from caring for her own children, particularly her youngest son, Reuben, who had complex needs. “He was my inspiration. He was what made me a better person,” Laura reflected. 

Reuben’s condition required 24/7 care, including specialised feeding, deep suction, and oxygen support. Despite the challenges, Laura and her family were determined to ensure Reuben enjoyed life to the fullest. “We travelled, we packed the car up to the brim, and just went on holidays to give him what every other child gets. Yes, he did not walk on the beach, but he got on the beach because we got him on the beach,” she recounted with pride. 

The experience of caring for Reuben, who passed away in January, has profoundly shaped Laura’s approach to her work at Progress. “I want to give the other children in care the same experiences we gave to Reuben because they deserve the same as every other child,” she emphasised. Her determination to provide these children with enriching life experiences, regardless of their abilities, is a testament to her unwavering commitment. 

Laura’s personal journey has not only equipped her with practical skills but also instilled a deep empathy and understanding for the children she now supports. “Even if they can’t talk, they can enjoy normal life experiences. Reuben lost his smile for the last year, but he communicated with his eyes. He let us know he was happy or sad or in pain in other ways,” she explained. 

Looking ahead, Laura is eager to grow professionally within Progress. “I’d like to work my way up and get that experience in a professional way rather than just a personal way,” she said. 

Laura’s story is a powerful reminder of the impact that personal experience and passion can have in the field of residential support work. For those who share her dedication and empathy, Progress offers a fulfilling career path where they can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children with complex needs. 

If Laura’s journey resonates with you, consider exploring similar career opportunities at Progress. Visit to learn more about how you can contribute to creating enriching experiences for children who need it the most. 

A Day in the Life of Jade: A Residential Support Worker at Progress

Jade, a dedicated residential support worker at Progress Children’s Services, brings enthusiasm and compassion to her daily routine. Jade’s commitment to nurturing young people shines through in her everyday activities. Here is what a day looks like in the life of Jade, at Progress.

Jade’s day typically begins with the important task of waking and preparing our young people for the day. This includes ensuring they are dressed, fed, and ready to start their day on a positive note. “The mornings are crucial in setting a positive tone for the day,” Jade explains. “I focus on making sure the children are ready for school with everything they need.”

Once the young people are off to school, Jade shifts her attention to various administrative tasks and housekeeping responsibilities. “During this time, I take care of paperwork, ensure everything is in order, and handle any necessary checks,” Jade elaborates. “It’s important to keep the environment organised and prepared for when the children return.”

When they return from school, Jade and her team engage with the young people to plan the evening’s activities. “We sit down with them and discuss what they would like to do for the evening,” Jade says. “It’s essential to involve them in decision-making and ensure they have activities they enjoy.”

Jade emphasises the importance of tailoring activities to each young person’s interests and needs. “We have a diverse group of children with unique preferences,” Jade explains. “Some enjoy outdoor activities like football or bike rides, while others prefer indoor pursuits such as arts and crafts or computer activities.”

Throughout the day, Jade maintains a focus on building positive relationships with the young people. “Being a good role model and fostering trust are key aspects of our interactions,” Jade emphasises. “We want our young people to feel safe, supported, and valued.”

Even when the young people are at school, Jade remains engaged with her responsibilities. “We often have one or two children who stay back at the house during school hours,” Jade notes. “This allows us to provide individualised attention and support.”

Jade’s daily routine is characterised by flexibility and adaptability. “Every day is different, and we need to be responsive to the young people’s changing needs and preferences,” Jade reflects. “It’s a dynamic environment that keeps us on our toes.”

As the day winds down, Jade and her team assist the young people with their evening routines and ensure they are ready for a restful night. “We help the children wind down, get ready for bed, and ensure they feel safe and cared for,” Jade explains. “It’s all about creating a supportive and nurturing environment.”

Reflecting on her role at Progress, Jade expresses gratitude for the opportunity to make a positive impact on young prople’s lives. “I find great fulfilment in nurturing these children and helping them thrive,” Jade says. “Every day presents new challenges and rewards, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Jade’s dedication and passion for her work exemplify the values of Progress Children’s Services. Through her daily efforts, Jade contributes to creating a safe, supportive, and enriching environment where children can flourish and grow.

Be Like Jade, join us

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