Working for Progress: Bria’s Story

Bria joined Progress as a Student Fostering Social Worker and has become an important member of the team. We recently caught up with her to see how she’s been getting on in her new role and hear more about what attracted her to a career in Social Care.

“My Mum and my Stepdad are both social workers, so entering this world was a natural thing for me to do. Whether it’s helping an individual, families, or groups of people, I feel it’s important to look for ways that can improve people’s lives.

I did Health and Social care at school and through different experiences had worked with children too. By the time, I got to University my focus was to gain a degree that would enable me to develop a career in Social Work.

I did a BA in Primary Education at Birmingham City University and then followed this up with an MA in Social Work at Wolverhampton University. While at Wolverhampton, I was lucky enough to do over a hundred hours of placement within a Social Work setting. This gave me great exposure, but I still felt something was missing. It was great learning about aspects of the sector but being able to get hands-on experience is what I needed and wanted.

I came across the Progress Student Fostering Social Worker role via the internet and applied straight away. Having got through the recruitment process, I was delighted when I was offered the job. I could finally get stuck in!

Day one was nerve-racking, but since then I have had so many great experiences. From supporting and supervising foster carers to working with children and young people, it has been an eye-opener to see what fostering is all about. I have worked closely with four foster carer couples who represent a cross-section of society. To see them thanking you for your help is really humbling.

My colleagues at Progress are very supportive. Having been able to shadow them, I feel I’m now more informed about social work rather than having to infer things. For example, I’ve learnt to be professional in the circumstances you would normally let emotions get the better of you. Things like this are only learnt “on the job”.

Working for Progress allows you to grow your social and people skills. I have met a lot of interesting people whose lives we are impacting positively. My academic studies did not cover fostering in any detail, but my positive experiences with Progress means I’m positively reassessing my career and look at fostering as a career path.”

If you too would like develop your skills and build a career in social care, please click here to apply for one of our roles today.

Our Recent Investors In People Review

We are incredibly proud of recieving GOLD in this year’s Investors in People (IIP) new assessing standards.

Since our last IIP blog, we have been under assessment which has come to an end in November. Over the festive period, we have been waiting for the results. Here’s what our HR Manager, Emma Ruffinato had to say: I am absolutely delighted that we achieved gold this year. I knew it was going to be challenging, but the way the team have feedback is brilliant. I think the staff should be really proud of the recognition for working for a desirable employer and the reason, for them, is because of them.

Over the decade that we’ve engaged IIP, from early on, we’ve managed to consistently uphold the gold status. Last yearIIP reevaluated their assessment criteria. They decided to create a more rigorous framework. They created a platinum level in which organisations can raise the bar up to.

We knew to get platinum straightaway with the updated framework would be unachievable. To maintain our gold status is brilliant. Especially when measured with the new standards. When we compare our new ranking to previous years, we can see the key areas where we have dramatically improved. Something we strive to do on a daily basis.

With the goal of evolving daily, we have taken the new framework and set to reach all qualifying targets. Improving our processes along the way. It is not a box ticking exercise by any means. Any changes we put in place only mean we are engaging with our staff teams in a better way; which is precisely what IIP is all about.

It’s not about the people in our care or us, but the people in our organisation; how they feel about working for the business and how much we hear their voice. It’s also about how much they can get involved in the decision making processes and how much they understand the overall strategy. Ultimately, IIP is the measure of a quality employer; highly IIP accredited businesses are recognisable as the type of organisations that you want to work for. To get gold is a direct reflection of the collective hard work of everyone here at Progress.

Emma states: It’s not about the organisation it is about the team holistically. For me, this is an achievement everybody should be celebrating. We wouldn’t be recognised the way we are without them.

What’s next? Of coursewe do want the platinum level. For us, that means to dig deep, highlight the critical areas of improvement, and set to work. Since our last review 12 months ago, we’ve already seen significant results. Four of the areas in the framework we have improved on since last time and four we’ve already hit the ceiling and couldn’t do it better. Out of nine areaswe think this is fantastic news.

Fundamentally where do need to improve by 2019 is recognising and rewarding high performance.

The good news is we’ve already done lot of the legwork to achieve this. We started by just talking to the team. Rather than assume what was important to them, it was important to us to hear from them directly. To ask how they felt. What made them feel valued. Sadly, we can’t hand out juicy fat cash bonuses (as much as we’d like to) but we can reward people in other ways that mean something to them.

This is our key area of focus. We set up the staff forum to give us a platform for the team to have their say. It is a handy tool to get an accurate picture to see how staff are feeling. To discuss what’s working well, what needs to change, what would they like to say, etc. It took a while to embed, but now people are feeling more confident. They are actively contributing, with invaluable opinions that we can put towards positive change. We look forward to watching the team develop on their own individual journey as we progress and grow. After allwe are all in it together.

Read more news here.

Step down to fostering

Step down to fostering

Progress is a privately owned specialist organisation with strong values and a high commitment to delivering and evidencing positive outcomes for children living at home or in care. We offer an integrated service which supports disabled children on their journey, focusing on the least restrictive support and ensuring the right package or placement at the right time.

Progress has evidence of successful transitions to foster placements for disabled children, which not only produces better outcomes for young people but also reduces the burden on public services and funding. In many cases the costs are halved. Recent examples include…


  • A child with a physical and learning disabilities – transitioned into a fostering placement along with his brother who is not disabled but was also in care; bringing them back together


  • A child with severe learning difficulties, non-verbal, continence issues, challenging behaviour – transitioned from residential placement


  • Twins with Autism – transitioned from residential placement together


  • A child with severe Autism accessing home/community support and residential short breaks but being taken into care – transitioned straight into fostering placement


Progress offers Foster Carers ongoing support which is bespoke to the individual and the foster placement, from staff who know the child thus ensuring continuity of care and secure attachments for the child. This model also provides tailored advice, resulting in better supported carers and greater levels of placement stability.


Our organisational structure provides community based activities, short breaks and ongoing regulated care and support in the community. This enables young people who are reaching adulthood to try out independent living in our training apartments as they reach transitional age, supported by their Foster Carers and staff that are known to them. They can then make a seamless transition into semi-independence or independence.


If you’d like more information on transitions to fostering or any other pathways or services we provide, please get in touch today.

The Voice of the Child

The recent Ofsted framework rollout and the pilot inspection which we were involved in December 2016, has highlighted how it important it is to us that our children’s views are heard and understood.


While a collaborative approach to everything we do has always been our standard way of doing things, we are always looking for ways to improve and enhance the lives of the young people that we work alongside.


One of the strategies we have in place, much like the new Ofsted framework, is carrying out a lot of unannounced visits. These are vital from a safeguarding standpoint as they ensure children are being kept safe. Turning up unannounced and speaking to children allows for unprepared and unprompted conversations; encouraging a natural response to what is going on and how happy they are. By putting both Carer and child on the spot, it is an excellent chance to make sure the home environment is the right one and provides the child the opportunity to have their say.


Additionally, we run monthly support groups with Carers. They write down achievements that month. One thing we have noticed with the recent framework changes is that, in the past when it came to a review, the focus on small moments was lost and only significant milestones were included. Seemingly insignificant, smaller experiences such as an individual learning to tie their own shoelaces, to us are tremendous achievements and they are the measurable building blocks to a child’s progression. We make a point of highlighting and celebrating these in our support group sessions.


In addition to the home visits, we have yearly appraisals incorporating written reports by everyone that works with the young person, including the individual. We include feedback on positive experiences within the foster placement from the Local Authority, the relevant school and staff within Progress.


We are consistently working hard to come up with creative, out-of-the-box ideas to better develop the work we are currently doing. As a result of this collaborative brainstorming, our ‘voice of the child’ themed big family fun day was born. We host family events and invite foster carers, young people and all of our team. During the day, there is food, entertainment and informal chats with the children. The feedback from the event tells us what is like from first person perspective to be looked after in our care; finding out what we are doing well and what needs improvement, what the individual likes, what don’t they like and how they believe we can improve. We wanted to give the opportunity for children to have their voice – directly and our family fun days provide that opportunity.


For more information about our fostering service, please get in touch today.

You can call 01902 5601066, email or drop you details below.


Supporting positive change




  1. forward or onward movement towards a destination.


As of April 2017, the updated Ofsted Social Care Common Inspection Framework (SCCIF) changed the way inspection took place within independent Fostering Agencies. The Ofsted fundamental principle of inspection is to focus on the things that matter most to children’s lives; they want to change the way most Fostering Agencies operate. Fortunately for us here at Progress, the voice of the child and fulfilment of positive development and experiences are and will always be our priority. This has been the focus of our company model from the offset.

To roll out the new framework, back in December 2016 there were pilot tests carried out on small, medium and large Fostering Agencies. Out of the 314 put forward, we were one of the three companies selected and were categorised as the medium Fostering Agency.

In the past, inspections came with fair warning ahead of time, and the framework of the review was central to lots of paperwork and documentation rather than capturing moments through conversations. During the pilot, 24 hours’ notice was given. 9am Monday morning we got the call to say we had been chosen and the weeks’ inspection began the following day.

The purpose of the new model is to look at children’s experience in foster care, personal progression, as well as positive experiences. The inspection quite clearly concentrated heavily on this improved approach and pinpointed how providers and agencies are making a difference in children’s lives, ‘from the mouths of babes’ rather than basing opinions on what has been written down.

With our four core values being care, trust, respect and progress and with progress literally being the name of our agency as well as underpinning our ethos and philosophy, we found this new framework interesting. Inspection week not only highlighted to us the fantastic work we are achieving but was also refreshing to see the regulatory bodies of the industry recognising where the priority of review should be focused; around the voice of the child.

During inspection week, the reviewers concentrated on talking to the Carers and young people, using the feedback given as a measure of how we are making a difference; by showing we are giving the right support and have the right resources indicated that we are doing something right. The quality of the relationships between Careers, professionals and children is important and we believe there is a direct correlation between how well prepared a Carer is, to the progression of a young person in placement with them.

The conversations that took place during inspection week strengthened our confidence that we were on the right track, especially as we specialise in supporting young people with disabilities. We make sure that Carers with specialist placements have the additional training and support they need and as required by the individual child.

A month after the initial pilot week, all Fostering Agencies were invited to go to the Ofsted conference to learn about the new framework. We were delighted that Tina Bhardwaj, our Fostering Manager was requested to run a training programme for the inspectors. We will be delighted to tell you more about our involvement or our agency – feel free to get in touch. You can drop us your details in the ‘Contact Us’ form below, call us on 01902 561066 or email


Fostering Options

Many people consider fostering, but taking the plunge and committing comes with many worries and concerns. You are taking a leap of faith into the unknown, where children are placed in family homes at short notice with rare opportunities to get to know the child before they arrive at your front door.

At Progress, we can do things differently! Our focus is on ensuring children are in the most appropriate placement and we offer a wide range of services for children. We do not rely on traditional referrals which tend to be for same day, emergency placements. This means we can work with our Foster Carers to build relationships with children and young people before they are placed.

We can give Foster Carers an opportunity to be a part of a plan for child, we do this through dual-track planning for children.

The first of these opportunities are to work with our residential teams where children are looking to move into foster care. We identify a child that might be suitable and discuss their needs in depth and look at what it means to care for them. If the Carer thinks they might be able to offer a placement, we arrange for them to go and see the child, meet them and see how they get on, and observe the child in placement. If the Carer wishes to progress, we look at what training would be needed and they have an opportunity to go and work with the child in the home; to build on the relationship and ensure they feel confident that the placement would be successful.

The plans for each child are bespoke, so we take it slowly, plan with the Local Authority and ensure that everything is in place, the Carer is confident and that the child wants the move. This gives the greatest chance of success.

Once the child moves into the foster home, the staff from the residential service continue to provide support to the Carers, be that face to face, or phone support. This enables young people to maintain relationships and gives Carers unrivalled support from people with hands on practical experience of the child.

When placements are made in this way, there is a high chance of a long-term permanent placement being agreed by the Local Authority. This gives Carers the stability and reassurance of long-term financial support, reducing the risks to the stability of their home life and reducing the uncertainty that can come with short-term foster placements.

We also work with children and families through our short breaks service and our community based support service. Our Foster Carers can become part of the support network for a family, offering short breaks where a child might stay with the Foster Carers for a couple of nights per month or as a shared care arrangement; where a child might stay with you for a few days a week, on an on-going basis. This work is extremely rewarding and Carers get a real chance to help families keep it together and build supportive and trusting relationships with birth families.

To talk to one of our Social Workers about any of these options, please get in touch with our fostering team today.

You can call our head office on 01902 561066 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday or if you would like someone to call you back you can send your details to us via the enquiry form below or by emailing

A Day in the Life of a Fostering Manager

Here at Progress Children’s Services, we pride ourselves on our holistic approach to providing a seamless transition for children and young people in the stages between birth and independent living.

As a high-quality foster care provider, our team dedicate themselves to our vision of assisting individuals in achieving the best possible outcomes for their future, despite their past. Our mission is to give them positive experiences and ultimately; make progress. Tina Bhardwaj, our Fostering Manager, is no exception to this. We took the time to pick Tina’s brain to give an insight into a day in the life of a Fostering Manager.

What are your role responsibilities?

My overall responsibilities as Fostering Manager are to ensure the smooth running of the fostering service. I provide my team with ongoing training and support to operate to the best of their abilities and ensure that children and young people are kept safe within their foster placements. I also lead the recruitment of Foster Carers alongside our Business Development team, ensuring that we recruit robust applicants.

My team of Social Workers and I work hard to ensure that our campaigns are target driven and focused, and by working in-line with the fostering regulations, Ofsted governed standards and measuring up appropriate candidates, we match children and young people to suitable carers.

I like to work in a way that is transparent and open. I enjoy being visible, reachable and maintaining excellent working relationships with my Foster Carers. To achieve this, every month, I chair support groups. I see it as a priority that I attend all the meetings, as they provide the opportunity for face-to-face contact and they allow me to help answer any questions. I believe working in this way instils trust and confidence.

The role is not 9-5 meaning that sometimes I work weekends. My phone is always on. Some of our carers work at all hours. Therefore meetings and training can take place outside of traditional working hours.


What does your role mean to you?

I have been working in foster care for the last decade, and I have loved every minute of my job. The highlight of my role is going home knowing that the individuals are placed in safety away from the danger in which they came.

I strongly believe in focusing on the children and the things that matter. For example, having experiences, making progress and how we as an organisation can make a difference to a child’s life. The interaction we have with our Foster Carers and young people is at the forefront of everything we do at Progress, as we use this as a guide on how we are making a difference. This is only achieved with the right support and workers in place. For example how well carers are prepared and supported to promote progress young people make with their health, education, emotional and social wellbeing and children can only do this when they have a range of positive experiences.

I wanted to work for the organisation because I love the crossover opportunities available in our services. For example, our children can access our short breaks and activity groups. Foster Carers can work flexibly across the service while waiting for a child to be matched and placed with them. It is a pleasure to see the joy this brings both the children and our carers.

I like working for a small private organisation because there is less red tape, providing me with the opportunity to be creative and the ability to enhance myself through professional development. A smaller company allows me and my team to provide a personal touch, enabling us to tailor our support to the individual; whether that is the child, young people or Foster Carer. The relationships that we maintain with these individuals are embedded in our practice and values of caring, trust, respect and progress.

My job means a great deal to me; I firmly feel that you cannot do this role without passion and enthusiasm. I like to lead by example, and I am confident that I have a team that functions to a high standard in a happy working environment.

What are the rewards of your role?

For me, I take great satisfaction seeing the individuals of which we care for settle into well-suited placements. To know the children and young people are having positive experiences and making personal growth, makes the challenging days well worth it. We have excellent stability in our foster placements, which I feel is a reflection of the support provided to the carers and the agency’s recruitment selection as a result of the thorough assessment.

Our Foster Carers have the opportunity to work with the children in our residential homes, and we have made several successful matches, allowing young people to transition from our residential homes into foster homes. The sense of pride that this gives me is immense.


What are the challenges that you face in your role?

A hurdle we are facing is getting appropriate services for children, such as Children & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) help, life story work and children on the waiting list, not yet in permanent placements.

Our biggest challenge is recruiting Foster Carers. There are so many children in need of care, love and stability in contrast to the foster carers that are available to support them. The demand is thoroughly outweighing the supply.


What are your main current focus points within the organisation?

My team are important to me as they are the cogs in the machine that are vital to the great work we currently accomplish with Progress. It is crucial to not only ensure improvement opportunities for the individuals in our care but also to those making all our achievements possible.

What are your current goals, personally and for Progress Children’s Services?

I would love to personally develop the fostering service by expanding and growing the regions covered by participating in local authority projects.  It is heart-breaking knowing that there are vulnerable children and young people out there that we at Progress have the means to help. I want to be able to offer more children a foster home. To do that, we need more Foster Carers.

If you would like to find out more about our Fostering team call us today on 01902 561066, email or fill in one of our quick enquires forms here.